Does it really have an Aphrodisiac Effect?
For centuries, cultures around the world have praised the aphrodisiac properties of asparagus. The Greeks made it the subject of love poems; Kama Sutra recommended her to eat as a paste. When asparagus is popular in Europe's culinary capital, the French are said to have had three consecutive meals of asparagus before the wedding -- to boost their self-confidence -- before the defeat big night. It should not be entirely coincidental that the name of asparagus has been written throughout history at the top of the natural aphrodisiac lists!
Asparagus is full of calcium, vitamin E and potassium, which, aside from its excellent shape, cleans both the kidneys and urinary tract, and helps it excrete energy. In addition, aspartic acid found in asparagus helps neutralize the over-ammonia in our body, which can cause fatigue and sexual indifferance. We certainly don't want to have this kind of situation happen to us on a romantic evening, do we?
Folic acid in asparagus triggers histamine production. Insufficiency of histamines can cause inability to reach orgasm in men and women. Asparagus is a good source of folate that can give positive results to increase libido!