Sauté with Butter
Deepen the flavors by sauting asparagus with butter!
Wash the asparagus and cut the hard parts on the lower ends by 2-3 cm and peel the bottom 1/3 with the help of a vegetable peeler.
Chop asparagus into lengths of about 5 centimeters. Depending on the length of the spear, it can be divided into 2 or 3 equal parts. Depending on your preference during service, you can saute the spears in full length without chopping.
Drop spears into some boiling water to blanche before cooking with butter.
Add salt and pepper according to your preference. Mix once or twice and close the lid of the pot.
After blanching for 3-4 minutes, check by using a knife whether it sinks easily or not. If yes, add the butter and mix.
Cook for another 4-5 minutes with the lid of the pot open.
Transfer the cooked asparagus from the pot to a plate and serve warm and with grated parmesan cheese on top according to desire.

After discarding the hard parts at the bottom of the spears, divide the rest into large pieces. Roast the chopped onion in butter. Add the asparagus divided and continue roasting. When the asparagus begins to soften, it is time to add scrambled eggs, salt and pepper added in. Cook together for another 1 minute and serve warm.
Another option is to roast asparagus directly in butter without onions and just put eggs on the top, or simply add poached-egss on roasted asparagus.

Eggs and asparagus have always been delicacies that complement one the other. It is the most preferred form of asparagus consumption in Aegean and Mediterranean regions in Turkey.