Before all cooking techniques, asparagus needs to go through a short cleaning phase.
Asparagus must first be washed and cut the lower parts up to 2-3 cm with the help of a knife. That way, we'll be tossing out the dry, hard parts at the bottom. If you pick up the asparagus and bend it slightly from the bottom, it will break itself from where you need to cut it.

If the asparagus is thick and fibrous, the bottom 1/3 part is peeled down with the help of a vegetable peeler.

There are tiny leaves on asparagus that look like thorns at first glance. You don't have to rob it at all. There is no way to leave a bitter taste or sink in your tongue!
The most delicious, precious and beautiful looking places of asparagus are their spear-shaped tips. Don't cut or discard, consume with pleasure.
You don't even have to peel thin, fresh asparagus. Just cut the bottoms and see the juicy soles.